What is the average annual market return when using the wheel options strategy?
Asked 4 years ago
I'm fairly new to options trading. Is a 30% annual return realistic and easily obtainable using the wheel strategy? I’m currently holding long-term recovery plays to build capital and will be practicing options over the next 12-16 months with paper money. I know this post comes off as naive, but I’d like to get a good gauge of my expectations. Thanks!
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Friday, June 11, 2021
The best thing about the wheel strategy is its high success rate. A 30% annual rate translates to 0.5% weekly.
At the moment, you'll earn a 0.35% weekly return, BRK/B is .4% weekly return, PG is .36% weekly return.
These are some of the least volatile stocks but can still put you roughly on track to get 30% per year if your risk tolerance is higher, should you be able to beat that reasonably easily.
That's the best thing about the wheel options strategy. You won't be able to invest in a Tesla that increases by 15X in one year. However, you'll be able to consistently earn a return that you can consider an excellent return for the market.
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