Which are the best spreads to use on the HYCM brokerage platform?
Asked 3 years ago
Hey peeps. I've recently opened a Henyep Capital Markets account, and I'm wondering which spreads I should try out first. Which do you like to use and why?
Osasere Okunloye
Sunday, October 10, 2021
HYCM spreads depends mainly on the account type. For fixed spreads accounts, you will pay a fixed spread on your trades depending on the currency. For Classic Accounts, spreads are not fixed and depend on trades, variable spreads start from 1.2 pips; while raw account holders pay commissions with very little spread. You can use any, just select your preference.
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Thursday, October 14, 2021
HYCM spreads depend on the type of account you have.
For fixed-spreads accounts, a certain spread will apply to trades depending on what currency it is that you are trading in; this can vary from as little as 1 pip up to 2 or 3 for some currencies like USDJPY with its typical high volume spot instances during times where traders think rates might spike leading many people who trade raws over time prefer not having any fixed price involved.
But instead, commissions come at very low rates largely due to these low fees compared against other avenues.
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