How to best work the dividend capture strategy into your investment plan?
Asked 4 years ago
I'm trying to establish the strategy but having trouble figuring out when it would be the best time to roll into the next one. Any recommendations? I've changed my strategy to 6 months and annuals. Currently, I'm holding the following stocks: CYD at 17.45 with an annual of 1.70. The expiry dividend date is next week. All thoughts are welcome.
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Thursday, July 01, 2021
Dividend capture strategies are a fairly straightforward way to invest. To be successful it is essential that you have patience and discipline as well as risk tolerance. In other words, you want to be able to ride out the dips in the market without becoming discouraged and selling too soon for lack of long-term success.
Every strategy will have its ups and downs, but with dividend capture, there is more time for each downturn because dividends accumulate over the years so they eventually offset losses.
With that said, try sticking with dividend captures on companies with a history of consistently raising their dividends at least annually and having stellar fundamentals. This will ensure that your odds of success are significant since both factors work together for long-term gains.
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