What are your experiences filing your taxes with WealthSimple?

Asked 4 years ago

I tried to file taxes on WealthSimple. I sat down with all my paperwork and followed all the prompts. I also made an appointment with HR Block, just in case. I had never filed my own taxes before as my dad had an accountant, and he would do mine and my sisters for free. Anyways, when I finished entering everything on WS, it said I owed $600.00 and that my hubby was to receive $100 and change. I have never owed before, so this kind of scared me, and I figured I would go to HR Block, and if they confirm that I do owe, then I did it right on WS. HR Block called and said I would receive $150, and hubby got like $750 minus a fee, of course. They told me that if I took the “instant refund,” I could come right now and pick up a cheque, and the fee would be lowered, but if I waited, my fee would be much higher. How does that make sense? I asked them if I get my whole refund whether I waited or not, and they said yes. This does not make much sense to me? As I said, I had never had to file at a tax place before because my dad’s accountant did it, but since my dad passed, I really want to do my own taxes next year, but this is just confusing!

Andrew Moran

Thursday, June 17, 2021

I used WealthSimple for the first time this year, and I had a positive experience (made a donation, too).

It is a simple and straightforward process that is quite automated, giving you tips and recommendations to maximize your refund or lower your amount owing.

I have used many free services over the years, and WS has been the best platform so far. I will be using it for the next tax season.

Overall, WealthSimple is one of the best financial platforms in Canada today, whether it is for bare-bones stock investing or putting a little bit of money into a savings account.

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