Transferring crypto from eToro to wallet: Is there a minimum amount?

Asked 3 years ago

Hey guys! Is there a minimum trade size for eToro wallet transfers? I haven't received any notification of any, s I was wondering if there was any. Do you know if there is a transfer fee and how much it costs? I would also like to start converting some of my cryptos to cash, how do I do it, and how long does it take? Thanks

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Thursday, September 16, 2021

No. Despite the fact that we trade CFDs which are leveraged products, there is no minimum amount required to transfer crypto from your trading platform to your eToro wallet.

Sometimes traders who want to withdraw their assets may need a certain amount of balances in order to do so.

However, there are measures that would allow all clients to make withdrawals without having to worry about the minimum amount required.

Andrew Moran

Friday, September 24, 2021

Yes, there is a minimum amount, according to the eToro trading platform.

For the cryptocurrencies they offer, there is a flat fee of 0.5% or a minimum fee of $1 and a maximum fee of $50.

But there are minimum transfer amounts (units) that you need to be aware of when you are making the transfer from eToro to your wallet. Here is a list of what you can expect:

  • Bitcoin (BTC): 0.007195
  • Ethereum (ETH): 0.107588
  • XRP: 17.7574
  • Litecoin (LTC): 0.084546
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH): 0.02296
  • XLM (Stellar): 45.15749

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