How do you access FinTwit Forex tool?
Asked 3 years ago
Morning, I am an avid Twitter user, and I've decided to use it for Forex trading news and following signal providers. I recently l learned that it has a trading network (financial) community called 'FinTwit'. Does anyone here know how to access this community? Is there also a FinTwit stock scanner, or is that just the community?
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Friday, September 10, 2021
First of all, you'll need a Twitter account and upload it with your FINTwit Forex tool authorizing access. Once this is done, type the following command in the search bar - "fin" (no quotation marks) and click on the 'Twitter Financial' tab on top of the tweets.
Next, you will see an "underground layer" of tweets made by traders or investors that mention $tags which can be converted to some other currency and vice versa. To convert these tags for some other currency, just add a $ to them and press enter.
For example: if we want to get more information on JPY, then we type "$JPY." If we want some more information on EUR, then we would type "$EUR."
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