Are demo accounts on HYCM accurate?

Asked 4 years ago

Heya, I'm looking for platforms with accurate demo trading accounts. Is HYCM one of them? Do you have any other recommendations? Thanks :)

Arthur Nwosu

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Nothing seems to be amiss except for a few pip differences. If you operate on metatrader platform, why not simply use the demo server (metaquotes-demo) provided by metratrader itself. I mean since it is a demo account, why go through the trouble of finding out which broker offers accurate demo markets.

When you are done with demo trading, then you can do extensive research of which broker offers the best services that you'd prefer. Because even if a certain broker offers good demo, it doesn't guarantee that they'd be the best fit to open a live account with.

Still, HYCM offers a decent demo account.

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