What time is the US30 index most volatile?
Asked 3 years ago
When is the best time to trade US30 stocks and avoid the volatile period?
Andrew Moran
Monday, December 13, 2021
Like the broader financial markets, the most volatile and active period of the US30 index is in the first two hours of the trading session.
This means that from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. generally have the most volumes.
When the best time to trade might depend on the type of investor you are and perhaps what direction the index is traveling.
If you are a day trader, you would typically want to trade in this period. However, if you are the typical investor, you want to buy at specific price points you have listed in your investment strategy or when there are immense dips.
Avik Das
Thursday, December 23, 2021
The most volatile period of the US 30 index is in the morning. After opening the day, the morning, which is 9.30 to noon EST is certainly the most volatile period of the US 30 index. The reason is primarily for the analysis and news from the previous night, creating an unpredictable swing in the price for the first two or three hours in the morning.
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