What is a rollover in Forex?

Asked 3 years ago

I can understand rolling over from one similar stock account to the next, but what happens in Forex? If I'm to trade CFDs and only have one account, do rollovers still occur, or do there have to be two separate accounts?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

If a swap is rolled over, rollover fees are charged. Rollover fees in Forex stop A rollover (also known as a financing charge or swap rate) is the simultaneous closing of an open position for today's value date and the opening of the same position for the next day's value date, a price reflecting the interest.

The rollover rate of each currency pair will be two distinct amounts: one for short bets and another for long bets. Depending on the difference, your account may either be debited or credited a specific amount depending on the rollover rate.

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