What Are The Best Trading Websites And Podcasts For Beginners?

Asked 3 years ago

Newbie here - any directions to start and learn? Please share any books, financial websites for beginners, or trading podcasts that you use to learn and gain understanding. Thanks in advance.

Osasere Okunloye

Saturday, October 09, 2021

The investing podcasts for beginners and Stacking Benjamin podcast. You can also read up on some topics on Investopedia. Robinhood is a good place to invest, for beginners, because of their very easy interface. You can start with these, if you are confused about anything, you can always drop your questions here.

Andrew Moran

Sunday, October 17, 2021

There are many books, financial websites, and podcasts to choose from when you are getting started in the world of finance.

But here is a single option for each medium:


Hot Commodities by Jim Rogers is an enjoyable experience from front to back. If you are interested in commodities trading, this is a superb book that gives you everything you need to know about buying, selling, and trading gold, wheat, or crude oil. This is a superb read!


Investopedia is the go-to source for everything you need to know about investing and the stock. What is DRIP? What are options? What is P/E ratio? Investopedia is really an encyclopedia for finance.

A close second, if you want to learn about stocks, would be Motley Fool. This might be a controversial recommendation within the trading community, but the writers do an incredible job picking stocks and explaining why they are great securities to have in your investment portfolio.


The Investing for Beginners Podcast is a podcast hosted by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahen that explores complicated industry jargon and the latest news translated for the beginner investor. Give it a read.

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