Are there any currency conversion fees associated with Forex trading?

Asked 4 years ago

Hello humans, I'm just wondering if there are any conversion fees involved when trading with Forex. If so, what are the fees?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Trading in markets that settle in a different currency from your account's base currency can be confusing. For example, when you trade USD/JPY on an American Dollar Account, the profit and loss are converted to dollars before posting to your account!

The cost of trading foreign currencies is built into many trades, so it does not need any more consideration for investors who are day-trading or investing long term.

Our standard charge for this conversion is +/-0.5% from the market rate at the time of conversion, unless you only trade products that settle in your account's base currency, such as EUR/USD in a US Dollar based account.

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