Which order types does MetaTrader 4 provide?

Asked 4 years ago

Hello humans. I'm busy comparing platforms. Can any of you tell me which types of orders MT4 has at your disposal? Many Thanks :)

Andrew Moran

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

For MetaTrader 4 (MTF), here are the five order types used in the client terminal:

  • Market Order: Executing an order that triggers a trade position at the best available price. Also, your investments are purchased at the "ask" price and sold at the "bid" price.
  • Buy Limit: Purchasing an investment at or a below a price you insert.
  • Buy Stop: Acquiring a security once the price hits the desired stop price.
  • Sell Limit: Selling a stock at a specified price.
  • Sell Stop: Liquidating a stop if the share price drops to or below a specified price.

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