Which brokerage company offers information on individual stocks?

Asked 4 years ago

I'm considering leaving Fidelity and moving my money to a company that can offer me information on individual stocks and better support.

Thorsten Steins

Sunday, April 11, 2021

In general, it is now common for many companies to boast that they provide investors with a variety of information. Realistically, however, it is rather difficult to provide investors with the information they need. If a broker platform, which offers hundreds and thousands of shares for trading, also wants to provide the corresponding information, then the investor would certainly be flooded by the flood of information within a very short time.

There are a few providers who now offer investors the opportunity to compile the respective news they want to get themselves. Of course, the problem is whether the investors can select exactly among the information they actually need for themselves.

In general, it is always best for investors not only to rely on the respective information from the platforms. Investors should always rely on various specialist literature and media outside the platforms when making their decisions.

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