Is Uphold a cryptocurrency wallet?

Asked 3 years ago

Hello I'm new here and new to the crypto world. I don't know what Uphold is. It looks like it's a crypto wallet?

Osasere Okunloye

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

According to research, Uphold is a multi-asset exchange, meaning users can buy and sell cryptocurrencies, national currencies, equities, and precious metals. Uphold is a wallet that can be used on iOS, Android, and the web. Not only is the Uphold BTC wallet a handy and secure method to store your Bitcoin, but it also allows you to trade between cryptocurrencies, local currencies, and commodities with ease. It is a digital money platform that makes it simple to buy, hold, transmit, receive, and exchange a wide range of currencies for a low fee. Your Uphold Wallet, like a physical wallet that you keep in your pocket or purse, contains a set of cards that can be used to send and receive payments.

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