Should I open my Roth IRA account in M1 Finance or Fidelity?
Asked 4 years ago
I want to start building up a nest egg for retirement. Which investment platform do you think is best or recommend I open a Roth IRA in, M1 Finance or Fidelity? TIA
Andrew Moran
Monday, July 05, 2021
I have always been of the philosophy that investors should have two accounts: a zero-commission trading account to bet on stocks and a trading account for medium- to long-term investing.
So, in your case, M1 Finance would be a great tool to speculate on a hot stock (meme or not a meme). However, a Roth IRA would be suitable for Fidelity since this financial account should be utilized for your retirement nest egg (capital gains and dividends).
Put simply, M1 is great for novice investors who are trading with small amounts. Fidelity is superb for more serious investors who want to accumulate a large fund for their winter years.
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