Is World Crypto Life a legit pyramid scheme?

Asked 3 years ago

Is it a good idea to join World Crypto Life?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

I'd suggest you avoid them since the company has no information about its ownership or management on its website.

The website domain ("") for 'World Crypto Life' was initially registered in July 2020. The registration was most recently updated on July 23rd, 2021, and is private.

According to further study, Francis Yoon claims to be the CEO of World Crypto Life on LinkedIn. According to his LinkedIn profile, he is located in California in the United States.

Yoon was Epika Global's CFO before founding World Crypto Life in mid-2020.

Epika Global appears to be a failed cryptocurrency bro project.

Despite claiming himself as Epika Global's CFO, Yoon appears to have controlled and run the firm.

Yoon was the company's only director, previously working at Epika Global, an abandoned Californian business.

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