Where can I find the best currency trading signals on Telegram?

Asked 4 years ago

Hi guys, do you know where I can find the reliable currency trading signals on Telegram? I can't seem to find any by Googling (I tried). So if anyone is connected, please sign me up. It would be a lifesaver. Thanks a ton.

Avik Das

Thursday, August 05, 2021

There are plenty of currency trading signals on Telegram that are filled with knowledgeable traders and certainly reliable. The best one would be Learn 2 trade and they have premium plans. AltSignals is another good one, but their premium plan is expensive with GOOD features to increase trading knowledge. Pipchasers and FXstreet are two other dependable trading signals.




Saturday, April 23, 2022

pipchasers website: https://www.pip-chasers.com/ telegram channel: https://t.me/pipchasers

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