Why was my trading position closed automatically?
Asked 3 years ago
I was happily watching my trade run. I went to work, came back, only to see that it had automatically closed. I was kind of disappointed because the trade was going well, and I was hoping to go long. Why did that happen? Can a broker close my position? If so, on what grounds? Thanks in advance.
Osasere Okunloye
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Your position may have been closed automatically because of the take-profit you applied while taking the trade. Take-profit automatically closes the trade once the profit target you set is reached. It is to allow you to take your earnings so any dip after that will not affect your profits. This is most likely the case because you didn't mention losing any money.
On the other hand, it could be the stop loss, which closes the position once the loss limit is reached.
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