Trend analysisPosts and articles about Trend analysisBlogAndrew MoranHow to Know When to Buy, Sell or Hold StocksOne of the most important elements of investing is knowing when to buy, hold, or sell stock. So in this article, we're going to examine some of the factors you ...CommunityWhat is the difference between a stock scanner and a screener?Hi guys, I'm digging hard into trading, and I'm looking at getting a stock scanner to help monitor price movement and track stock data. However, I noticed that ...CommunityHow do you make a candlestick chart on Webull? It's my first time using Webull, and I don't know where to find the different charts option. Where do I find the option to make a candlestick chart?BlogSofia ThaiHow a Stock Watching App Can Help You Keep Track of the MarketThe stock market has become an excellent way for people worldwide to make money, but it is also a time-consuming activity. This means that stock-watching apps h...BlogSofia ThaiHow to Identify Different Types of Stock Market TrendsTrends in the stock market are critically important as they provide investors with the best chance of predicting the direction of the market. However, identify...